COVID-19 testing consent form for random testing at Q300

241822372_10159631010647855_2232791877677028255_n.jpgAll DOE public schools, including Q300, will randomly test biweekly unvaccinated students if they have submitted consent for testing. There are two ways to submit the COVID-19 testing consent form:

  1. Print the form, sign it and send it to your school (to the Main Office of the school). Forms are available in different languages.
  2. Submit online consent form at the New York City Schools Account
    • Sign into NYC Schools Account at (which used to just be so your same parent login will work)
    • Then click on the dark blue box labeled “MyStudent”
    • Then you should see the link to the consent form in the bright green box on the top of the page. That link will also let you check if you’ve already consented.

You can find more information about random COVID-19 testing for students at

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