Volunteers for the Elections Committee 2019-2020


We are looking for volunteers to serve on the Elections Committee to help identify next year’s parent leadership at Q300 and administer the election of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) board members and School Leadership Team (SLT) parent member. The election will be held at the PTA general membership meeting on Thursday, May 30, 2019 at the upper division campus.

The Committee’s responsibilities include canvassing the community for eligible candidates, preparing materials related to the election (including bios, notices, and ballots) and running the election. We need 3 to 5 Committee members. Committee members must be a parent. Please note that a person who is running for office or is employed at Q300 are not eligible to serve on the Nominations Committee.

Please email me at davidw AtMark q300pta.org if you are interested in serving on the Nominations Committee.

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