Job opportunities at Q300 (Teacher Assistant positions in 2022-2023)

Q300 is currently hiring Teacher Assistants. Please share the below Job Listing with any prospective candidates.

Please consider sending it to people you know,

  • in academic and educational fields
  • recent grads or grad students taking a gap year
  • consider the TA at your kid’s summer camp that the kids were drawn to
  • a retired teacher who misses the classroom but not the stress
  • or anyone with at least 2 years college experience or an Associate’s Degree and has interest in working with our curious young learners

Q300 is a vast and diverse community with engaged PTA parents. We know and understand the positive impact that TAs can have in our classrooms. So much so that the PTA budgeted for 8 Teacher Assistants this school year at a pay rate of $20/hr. Please send all resumes to

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