Q300 PTA Hardship Fund

The Q300 PTA established a Financial Aid Fund (FAF) in 2015, with a starting fund of $1,000 to assist Q300 students in participating in school activities requiring fees, such as class field trips and other fee-based school events or for buying necessary school materials. The fund, aimed at promoting inclusion—a core value of Q300, is replenished annually.

Eligibility under the FAF will be determined on a strictly confidential basis. The Q300 Principal, or their authorized representative, will use their judgment and knowledge of the student’s personal and family situation to determine need for financial assistance for school-related items and activities. Requests for financial aid can be made through the following staff members:

See the complete description of the Q300 PTA Financial Aid Fund at https://q300pta.org/pta/about-us/q300-parent-teacher-association-inc-financial-aid-policy/.

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