See the Bus Information page for the latest information about the bus services for 2020-2021.
The Q300 Private Bus Committee is currently beginning planning for the 2020-21 school year. Since 2013, Q300 families have worked together to establish private bus routes. During the 2019-20 year, we operated buses for both the Lower and Upper Divisions for families in Central Queens and Brooklyn.
At this time, we are collecting a list of families who are considering private bus service for the coming year. Please complete the form below if you are interested in the private bus. There are two forms, one for K-4 and one for 5-8. Please fill out both if you have a child at both campuses.
As you all know, there are considerable unknowns regarding in-person education this year. We anticipate this process to be more complex than in previous years. Completing the below form will ensure that you are included in communication regarding private bus service for the coming year. Completing the form does not commit you to using the private bus; however, completing the form does not guarantee service will be available.
Please complete the appropriate form below:
- Entering grades K-4: https://forms.gle/CiCVxFcbjRWZM6DN7
- Entering grades 5-8: https://forms.gle/zxvH2CaE2nunwxeSA
If you have questions on the private bus, you can reach out by email at:
- For Lower Division (K-4): q300privatebus@gmail.com
- For Upper Division (5-8): q300privatebusms@gmail.com
Q300 Private Bus Committee
Organized by a group of Q300 Parents