Q300 Fun Run 2022 (5/21/2022-6/5/2022)

The Q300 Fun Run t-shirt order has been closed.

Q300 PTA is pleased to announce that it will hold a Fun Run event (http://q300pta.org/FunRun2022) again this year. Following our school’s first Fun Run in 2021, this year there is again a virtual window (Saturday, May 21, 2022 through Sunday, June 5, 2022) where families are encouraged to get outdoors for run, ride, skate and physical exercise.

  • Title: Q300 Fun Run 2022
  • Date: Saturday, May 21, 2022 through Sunday, June 5, 2022
  • Place: Anywhere
  • Price: $15-$30
  • URL: http://q300pta.org/FunRun2022

Beyond virtual efforts, during the same two-week virtual window or later in June, individual grade bands may hold events in parks near our school on weekends. Some ideas circulated by those on our Fun Run Committee include relays, egg and spoon races, potato sack races, kids v parents races, etc. Individual grade bands, with the involvement of class parents and others may turn their grade’s event into what best suits comments from families in their grade band.

All in the community are welcome and encouraged to register for the event. Once registering, “Q300 FUN RUN!” t-shirt will be sent to the registrant(s) via the school. Orders of t-shirts can be placed via http://q300pta.org/FunRun2022 and are priced at $10-20 per t-shirt. Sizing is available for kids and adults. See t-shirt design below. These t-shirts have been approved by Q300 and can be worn on school days (i.e. the t-shirts can be worn during the Fun Run and then again later when attending school).

T-shirt design


Registration form

If you have trouble seeing the form on the PTA website, go to this link to complete registration.

If you would like to participate in this event but obtaining ticket will be a hardship, please reach out to counselors Rachel Weiss rachel@q300.org (Lower Division) or Christine Katartzis christine@q300.org (Upper Division) for hardship assistance. All requests are kept confidential.

This event is sponsored by ArtHouse Astoria (https://www.arthouseastoria.org), NYChessKids (https://www.nychesskids.com), and Jackson Heights Orthodontics (https://www.jacksonheightsorthodontics.com/).

For any questions, please contact ldrep@q300pta.org.

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Wed, May 4, 2022 10:40 pm

I was ready to register as soon as it came out, but my ‘kid’ is an adult size. Having the shirt package deal is a great idea, but my ‘kid’ is bigger than me and I like adult large and xl shirts. Just saying…

Web manager
Tue, May 10, 2022 4:40 am

Grade-band Fun Run activities as of today (Friday, May 27, 2022).

– K grade: 5/22, 10am-12noon Astoria Park Athletics Track.
– 1st grade: 5/30, 10am-12noon, Astoria Park Athletics Track
– 3rd grade: 5/29, 10am-12noon, Juniper Valley Park
– 4th grade: 6/5, Flushing Meadows Park. 1 mile run/walk.

Last edited 2 years ago by Web manager