Q300 K and 1 Mixer (5/15/2022)

The Q300 PTA Board would like to invite K and 1st grade families to a casual meetup on Sunday, May 15th, from 1:30pm -3:30 pm, at Athens Square Park (located at 30th Street and 30th Avenue, right next to the Lower Division). All K and 1st grade students, caretakers, and family members are invited. Come join us for pizza, snacks, and fun!

We are glad that the warm weather allows us the possibility to meet outdoors once again. (A rain date will be announced if there is inclement weather.) Because of COVID-19, and also delayed admissions processes, we have been unable to host our June Welcome breakfast for new families over the last two years. While we are fortunate to have active K and 1st parents on the board, we thought we would have an informal meet-up for parents to connect with some of the PTA Board members in person. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Q300 or the PTA, and are excited to see old friends and make new ones!

Please RSVP to make sure that we have enough pizza and snacks for everyone 🙂 We look forward to seeing familiar faces and to meeting some of the newest members of the Q300 community!

Any questions, please email membership@q300pta.org

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