The deadline has been extended to the midnight of Monday, March 27, 2023.
0300 Design Competition “Onward & Upward” Deadline at 9:00pm on Thursday, March 23, 2023 the midnight of Monday, March 27, 2023 (extended).
Design Parameters:
- One winning design will be printed on a black or white T-Shirt.
- Designs can use one or two colors.
- Designs must be no larger than 10″×10″. (Note: The Competition Committee may resize the winning design to fit various T-Shirt sizes.)
- Designs can be hand-drawn or created digitally. Hand-drawn designs must be scanned to size at 300dpi and submitted as a png file.
- Digitally created designs must also be 300dpi and submitted as a png file.
- Label digital file with Child’s Name and Class (e.g. Jane Cho_401png)
- Submissions must include Child’s Name, Class, and Parent/Guardian’s Email address.
- All designs must be original and created by a student at Q300.
- Designs imitating or including existing branding, copyrighted material or pre-existing art, such as clip art or web art, are not permitted.
- Each student may enter up to two designs as two separate submissions.
- All design submissions must be digitally emailed to by 9pm on Thursday, March 23, 2023 to qualify for entry.
Q300 Onward & Upward Design Considerations:
- What does “Q300 Onward & Upward” mean to you? And how does it make you feel?
- What are some feelings that you want the phrase “Q300 Onward & Upward” to inspire when others see it?
- How creative can you get with only one or two colors?
- Consider other logos that you like. Are they just text, an image or both? How do they communicate their message?
Questions and submissions: E-mail to