Updates about the after-school programs for Q300 students in 2023-2024

Jenny Lando, Parent Coordinator of Q300, sent the following updates about the after-school programs at Q300 in 2023-2024. If you haven’t received this update, contact Jenny Lando at jennylando@q300.org.

Afterschool options for Q300 students 2023-2024

Our students have a variety of afterschool programs available to participate in. You can choose different days for different organizations if you wish.
There is no OPT busing after these programs end for the day.
Each after school program is run by an outside organization.


  • New York Chess Academy (Fee based)
  • Serious Fun (with PS 17 & PS 234 students) (Fee based)
  • New York Edge (with PS 17 students) (Fee based)
    • Unlike previous years, this program will now be a fee based program at a very discounted rate. Spaces are limited. More details to follow next week.


  • Global Kids (Free for 6th – 8th graders, fee based for 5th graders)
  • New York Chess Academy (Fee based)
  • YMCA (with IS126 students) (6th – 8th graders only)
    • Arts and crafts, cooking, sports, homework, and academic support, SEL activities as well as opportunities for civic engagement and community service hours through our YMCA programming “Teens Take the City” and Y Scholars.
    • Email sfrancis@ymcanyc.org to request registration form.
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