Thanksgiving Pie Sales 2024

The Q300 PTA is excited to partner with La Guli Bakery of Astoria and Betty Bakery to provide delicious pies for our Thanksgiving feasts and to help raise funds for school programs. Pies come with different flavors (Apple, Blueberry, Cherry, Dutch Apple, Pecan, Pumpkin, and Purple Sweet Potato) this year. The pickup date for the pies will be Tuesday, November 26, 2024, just in time for Thanksgiving. You can retrieve your pies with your kids, at the school campuses as well as at the local pick-up locations. The funds raised from this pie sale will directly benefit our school programs. The deadline for the order is Friday, November 8, 2024.


How to order:

  1. To order online and pay via PayPal (with a PayPal account, credit card, or Apple Pay), please use the online form at the bottom of this page. Please note that you will have to pay a 0.5% PayPal processing fee for an online order.


  2. Use this paper form to pay in cash, check or Venmo (@q300pta). Make check payable to: “Q300 Parent-Teacher Association, Inc.” Send your order form and payment in a sealed envelope labeled “Q300 PTA – Thanksgiving Pies – [CHILD’S NAME and CLASS]” to school with your child in their Communication Folder, or email it to

How to pick up pies:

  • Pies can be sent to you by the bus with your child. (Q300 PTA is not responsible for arrival condition of pies)
  • Pies can be picked up at the Lower Division campus on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 (bet. 1:45-2:45pm)
  • Pies can be picked up at the Upper Division campus on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 (bet. 2:30-3:00pm)
  • Pies can be picked up at a neighborhood location on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 late afternoon. (Neighborhood pick-up locations: Astoria [28th ave & 30th st], Forest Hills, Long Island City, and Middle Village)

Questions regarding pie orders from Betty Bakery should be directed to the Fundraising Committee at

Online pie order form:

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