NYChessKids offers an online after school program in Fall 2020. For more information, see https://www.nychesskids.com/online-fall-program or contact Saudin Robovic at nychesskids@gmail.com. Also, NYChessKids offers a hardship scholarship to anyone affected by COVID-19; please contact contact nychesskids@gmail.com for more info as well.
- Schedule: Monday to Friday
- 3:00pm – 3:45pm: Beginners
- 3:45pm – 4:30pm: Intermediate
- 4:30pm – 5:15pm: Advanced
- 5:15pm – 6:00pm: Practice
- Saturday and Sunday: Scheduled Tournaments and Events
- August 29: World Tournament 11 am to 1 pm
- September 13 Q300 Chess Tournament 10 am to 3 pm
- October 3 New York vs Singapore
- Class Schedule
- Monday 15 Classes: September 14,21,28 October 5,12,19,26 November 2,9,16,23,30,December 7,14,21 COST $300
- Tuesday 15 classes: September 15,22,29 October 6,13,20,27 November 3,10,17,24 December 1,8,15,22 COST $300
- Wednesday 15 Classes: September 16,23,30 October 7,14,21,28 November 4,11,18,25 December 2,9,16,23 COST $300
- Thursday 15 Classes: September 17,24 October 1,8,15,22,29 November 6,13,20,27 December 3,10,17,24 COST $300
- Friday 15 Classes: September 18,25 October 2,9,16,23,30 November 6,13,20,27 December 4,11,18,25 COST $300
- Special Deal For Unlimited Classes: $900
- Homework: Every student will be provided with a password on our website
- Teachers
- Saudin, Katya, Milos
- We may hire more teachers, based on the registration
- School Programs
- Based on the school requests we can provide the classes in the morning and afternoon. You can create your own schedule. Please email or call us and we will structure the program the way you need. Request school program: https://nychesskids.wufoo.com/forms/zonlwe60jrck39/
- Nychesskids Policy
- 1. If your child can’t attend the class please contact us and we will give you a replacement one. This policy doesn’t apply to unlimited classes.
- 2. Refunds can be requested after the first 2 weeks. 13 weeks will be refunded in full amount. No trial classes.
- 3. Kids should attend their chosen primary classes. Then they can do the homework on our website.
- Contact
- Email: nychesskids@gmail.com
- Telephone: 646-634-3989
- Website: http://www.nychesskids.com
- Registration Form
Saudin said that the online chess program would be available to both UD and LD kids.