The Q300 PTA organizes a yearly uniform swap event. If you have any preloved, pre-worn, or even new uniform pieces that you’d like to donate for the swap, please bring them between June 1st and June 21st, 2023. Kindly ensure that the clothing is washed and in excellent wearable condition.

- Drop-Off Uniforms
Please donate any uniform in good condition that your child has outgrown via your child’s backpack. Teachers will collect the uniforms and send them to designated bins in the lower and upper division campuses. Please make sure all clothing is laundered. We would greatly appreciate it if you could please pre-sort them by size and type (shirts vs. pants vs. skirts, etc.) We will collect clothing through Wednesday, June 21, 2023.
- Pick-Up Uniforms
Please pick up any uniform that may fit your child for next year. We will set up a uniform table at various upcoming events, including the Q300 Welcome Breakfast for incoming families, various summer playdates, and the Q300 Welcome Back Picnic at the end of summer. Please consider making a donation for any clothing you take, and all proceeds will benefit the PTA.