Seeking PTA Board Members for 2024-2025

The PTA will hold its PTA Board and School Leadership Team (SLT) elections at the General Membership Meeting on Thursday, May, 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET. The meeting will be held on the Zoom video conference platform. The PTA will provide registration instructions that will enable Members to create an individualized voting code that will be used to verify the voter eligibility of each Member for the election.

Q300PTAElectionProcedures2024Notice00 resized.

We are calling on parents/guardians to run for all positions on the PTA Board (see below) and two parent member SLT positions (see

  • President (up to 2 positions) shall supervise and manage the PTA; encourage meaningful participation among all Members in the PTA and school activities; serve as a member of the SLT; and attend the monthly District 30 Presidents’ Council and other meetings.
  • Executive Vice President (VP) (1 position only) shall assist the President and assume the President’s duties in the President’s absence or at the President’s request.
  • Secretary (up to 2 positions) shall prepare and distribute minutes of each Board and General Membership Meeting; maintain custody of the PTA’s records; coordinate virtual or in-person meetings; and ensure that the PTA’s corporate filings are up-to-date, and that parliamentary procedures, applicable law, regulations, and rules are followed.
  • Treasurer (up to 2 positions) shall be responsible for the PTA’s financial affairs; maintain the PTA’s bank accounts and an updated record of all income and expenditures; and prepare and present a written financial report at every Board and General Membership Meeting. The Treasurer also shall prepare and distribute the PTA’s January and June financial accounting reports; ensure that the PTA’s tax exempt status is maintained and applicable financial and tax reporting law,
    regulations, rules are followed; and chair the Budget Committee.

  • VP-Membership (up to 2 positions) shall oversee the PTA’s efforts to provide an orientation for incoming Members; reach out to Members in all grade levels; learn and understand Members’ particular interests and areas of expertise; encourage Members to volunteer their time or services; maintain a Membership database; and chair the Membership Committee. Membership’s work includes organizing
    community-building events such as Costume Party, International Potluck, Movie Nights, virtual game nights, and parent-led cooking events; recruiting volunteers for Teacher Appreciation, Q300 Open Houses, and other events; and organizing the incoming families welcome and orientation.

  • VP-Fundraising (up to 2 positions) shall oversee the planning, execution, and evaluation of fundraising activities, including fundraising events, solicitations, and grant-writing and shall chair the Fundraising Committee. Fundraising’s work includes coordinating the Thanksgiving Pie Sale, the Night at the Gallery Party, Gift Card fundraiser, and Spiritwear. It also coordinates its work with the Direct Appeal and Auction committees.
  • VP-Communications (up to 2 positions) shall oversee the PTA’s efforts to share information with school families and staff and chair the Communications Committee. Communications’ work included publishing newsletters; maintaining and updating the PTA’s website; preparing monthly email bulletin and helping disseminate PTA information via various communication channels.

The only qualification for all offices is that the candidate be a parent/guardian (including birth parents, adoptive parents, step-parents, legally-appointed guardians, foster parents, or “persons in a parental relation”) of a Q300 student. (Please note that a parent/guardian may not serve on the Board or SLT in the school in which they are employed.)

As indicated below, a pair of candidates can run as a team for certain PTA Board positions (e.g., co-
presidents, co-treasurers, etc.). If you are interested in running for any Board positions or for the SLT parent member positions, please contact the Nominations Committee at by Fri., May 17, 2024. Please note that nominations will also be taken from the floor during the meeting.

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