2022 Summer Read-a-Thon

It’s time for our school-wide Summer Read-a-thon! Q300 is a community of learners and readers, and we continue our passion for books and knowledge into the summer months (while simultaneously raising money for our enrichment programs)! For questions, contact VP Fundraising at fundraising@q300pta.org.


How it Works

  • Setting Goals: We are asking students to set reading goals for the entire summer. Suggested reading lists can be found on the Q300 PTA website.
  • Secure Sponsors: Students share their reading goals with family and friends, and ask for donations. They can use the paper Sponsor List, or use the online platform where sponsors can donate via credit card. Lout for an email from ‘Q300 PTA Readathon/99 Pledges’ for your child’s Readathon donation page. Our goal is for each Q300 student to raise $50.00, or to ask 5 people for donations (practice those great speech skills)!
  • Track Reading & Write a Book Review!: READ!! Students record their books on the paper Reading Log. Time spent by parents or others reading aloud to a student counts also! Students can also write an optional book review using the paper form or post on Flipgrid (https://flipgrid.com/28f41bbe)!. Parents and guardians may help students with this task. Additional logs/forms can be printed from the Q300 PTA website.
  • Collect Donations, Turn in Reading Log and Book Reviews: Students need to bring their completed Reading Logs, Book Reviews, Sponsor List AND donations (in an envelope with child’s name, upcoming class, and label “Readathon”), to their teachers by September 16, 2022 to be considered for prizes.


  • Individual – [$50 donation] OR [5 sponsors] = Scratch and sniff bookmark!
  • Individual – [$100 donation or more] OR [10 sponsors or more] = Reading head lamp!
  • Grade with most participation WINS 10 NEW BOOKS for their class book collection!
  • Students in the winning grade who wrote book reviews will select the books! (Teacher-approved)


Suggested Summer Reading Lists

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