Are you interested in running for PTA Board positions in 2021-2022?

  • Do you enjoy organizing events and activities for your kids?
  • Would you like to enrich and improve the educational, emotional, and social lives of Q300’s students?
  • Do you enjoy listening and understanding the concerns of your fellow Q300 community members?
  • Are you great with financials, keeping financial records in order, taking minutes at meetings, or reading up on the latest Chancellor’s regulations?
  • Are you excited about the opportunity to help lead this engaged and active community?

If your answer is yes to any of the questions above, please consider running for a position on the PTA Board. The PTA encourages new candidates to join the Board. Please see the attached graphic for more info on each position.

The only qualification for all offices is that the candidate be a parent/guardian (including birth parents, adoptive parents, step-parents, legally-appointed guardians, foster parents, or “persons in a parental relation”) of a Q300 student. (Please note that a parent/guardian may not serve on the Board in the school in which they are employed.)

A pair of PTA board candidates can run as a team for certain positions (e.g., co-presidents, co-treasurers, etc.), with the exception of the executive vice president and the lower and upper division representatives. (1 lower and 1 upper division representative are chosen in the Spring.)

If you are interested in running for any Board positions, please contact the Nominations Committee by Friday, June 11, 2021. Please note that nominations will also be taken from the floor during the meeting.

The Elections will be held at the General Membership Meeting on Thursday, June 17, 2021at 5:30 pm ET on the Zoom video conference platform.

If you are interested in learning more about specific PTA board positions, please reach out to the current board members (see

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