Looking for volunteers for Q300 PTA (2021-2022)

CallForVolunteerImageAs many of you know, the Q300 PTA relies on the help of everyone to function. We are seeking volunteers for several committees, as well as looking for those who have amazing skills and talents and are willing to volunteer them to benefit the school.

Do you want to help or add new sections to the Q300 PTA website? Do you want to organize a Q300 PTA fundraiser? Do you want to write for the PTA newsletter? We are seeking volunteers for PTA committees, as well as looking for those who have amazing skills and talents and are willing to volunteer them to benefit the school, even if it is for one specific thing (color printing, translating, making a flyer). If you have filled this out in previous years, we would like for you to do this again to make sure we have the most updated information. Please fill out our survey (https://bit.ly/Q300Volunteer).

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