Q300 Upper Division Basketball Tournament

Upper Division Basketball Tournament. 8:40 am - 3:00 pm. Thursday, March 5th at the upper division campus. Our second ever upper division school basketball tournament is on! Mark your calendars! Volunteers are needed to referee and coach and we are seeking water and snack or prize donations. Volunteer sign up:…

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Chess tournament on Sunday, February 9, 2020

Join us for another Q300-hosted tournament this school year. With No Score and Unrated sections included, it's a perfect format for those students who have had a positive taste of chess in curriculum to make their first tournament splash amongst familiar faces in a 'home field' setting of mostly beginners.…

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Hogwarts School at Q300 on Sat, February 29

Harry Potter Night. Save the Date. February 29, 2020. The 8th graders are organizing a fundraiser for their graduation. This event will be open to all and include creative Potter crafts, games and snacks for the whole family. Stay tuned for more details. Dressing up as your favorite character is…

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WinterFest Auction 2020 is live now (until Feb 12)

Q300PTACommunicationComm2019PTAWinterAucitionFlyerRev2We are excited to announce that our WinterFest Auction 2020 is now live! The WinterFest Auction features mostly summer camp prizes. Register as a bidder at https://charityauction.bid/Q300PTAWinter2020, bid on these amazing prizes, and share the site with friends and neighbors as anyone can bid. Get a great deal on a summer camp or our other prizes while you support our PTA. Just make sure to bid before the auction closes on Wednesday, February 12th at 10pm. Please share the URL with neighborhood groups and on social media after you’ve placed your own bids!

Sample Auction Items

  • Camp Half-Blood in Central Park
  • Pierce Day Camp
  • Shibley Day Camp
  • Industry Gymnastics, NY
  • Chess Academy
  • Steve and Kate’s

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International Potluck and Festival 2020 & Donations for Winter Auction 2020


  • Date: Friday, January 31, 2020
  • Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
  • Place: Q300 Lower Division campus (28-37 29th St, Astoria, NY 11102)

Our 6th annual Winter International Potluck and Festival will be on Friday, January 31st at the Elementary School Campus from 6:00pm-8:00pm. This is a school wide event! K-8 extravaganza!  This is a lovely community event where every brings dishes from all over the world!

  • Food, Attendance, and Volunteer. To RSVP, let us know the type of dish you will be bringing, or sign up to help with the event (craft table, Costco run, etc…), please click the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4aa9ac22a6f94-q3005
  • Prizes for Auction. We will also be raffling and silent auctioning a few prizes. We are looking in particular for camp prizes though welcome others. If you can donate or can solicit a donation, please fill out the Winter Festival Auction Donation Form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-Zt8e8MXPaBFcOU25tmZb6pcb0vS8bZDP_SYJTtvqUJAvbw/viewform. See below for more information about the auction prizes.
  • Grade Tables. We’re asking that each class (up to 2 per grade) plan an appropriate activity that can be set up and run at a table during the event. You can put together anything—a craft, a coloring activity, origami. Last year we even had a parent set up a chopsticks station where children were able to experiment with picking up different items, like legos and marbles! If you are interested and helping to organize this for your child’s grade, please reach out to your class parent or the LD (Barbara Monroe or Christina Lee) and UD (Sae Makino-Siller and Milena Ivanova) representatives!


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Q300 Teacher Holiday Breakfast

HolidayBreakfastImageOn December 20, 2019, the PTA will be sponsor a holiday breakfast for our amazing teachers and staff at Q300! Please consider contributing a baked good, box of coffee, or other food item for the teachers and staff to enjoy, and/or help set up.


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GivingTuesday on Tue, December 3, 2019 #GivingTuesday

GT logo stacked 0Tuesday, December 3, 2019 is #GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

We are grateful to the Q300 families who have pledged or donated to the Direct Appeal. So far, we have raised a little over 40% of our Direct Appeal goal to fund teaching assistants, enrichment programs, teacher professional development, and other critical resources for our kids’ education.

Please help support the PTA by doing any of the following:


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Q300 PTA’s holiday shopping guide 2019

Q300PTADonationImage2As we head into the holiday weekend, just a reminder for your holiday shopping (Black Friday and Cyber Monday!) that we have a number of ways to shop online that help raise money for the Q300 PTA:

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Make holiday cards at Shutterfly and help Q300

Are you a family that likes making and sending holiday photo cards? If so, consider ordering through our Shutterfly storefront (also includes Tiny Prints). The Q300 PTA will receive 8% of your order to help your child's learning at Q300. This year's goal is to raise $500. Here is the…

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