We are thrilled and excited to launch the first school wide Summer Read-a-thon! Q300 is a community of learners and readers, and we continue our passion for books and knowledge into the summer months (while simultaneously raising money for our music program)!
In the next few days, you will be getting a read-a-thon packet, which includes Grade specific instructions and summer reading lists/log sheets, as well as pledge sheets for students! We have attached these here, but printed copies are also going home! Our goal is for each Q300 student to raise $50.00 (through sponsors far and wide) or to ask 10 people for donations!
We will have both paper pledge sheets as well as an online platform (that allows for collecting donations online), and we urge you to take 3 minutes to set up the latter immediately. The directions are in the packet, but the link to the site is here: https://www.crowdrise.com/Q300SchoolwideRead-a-thon
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